Housing Predictor
Shake Up in Best Housing Markets
Destin, FL - September 7, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- The most trusted housing market forecasts have been released with an update of the Housing Predictor Best 25 Housing Markets in the U.S. It isn’t news that housing markets are declining in value, but there are areas scattered throughout the country in more than a handful of states forecast to appreciate.
No Trust in Bankers, Poll Shows
Destin, FL - August 30, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- An over-whelming majority of respondents surveyed do not trust bankers to have their best interests in mind, according to a new Housing Predictor opinion poll. The finding was the strongest evidence yet that the foreclosure epidemic and the financial crisis harming the U.S. economy are being blamed on the financial industry.
Survey on Real Estate Money Moral Issue
Destin, FL - August 16, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Making payments on a mortgage has been a moral issue debated for decades, but Wall Street and the bankers worked together to game the mortgage lending industry like a casino to rake up record profits and nearly destroy the nations economy. Millions of foreclosures and bankruptcies resulted, and now millions of homeowners have ended up as victims.
Near Majority Want Housing Tax Credit
Destin, FL - August 3, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Close to a majority of those surveyed said they want the federal tax credit for home buyers to be re-established by Congress to re-stimulate the housing market. The finding was determined by a just released Housing Predictor opinion poll.
Get Published on Housing Predictor
Destin, FL - July 22, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Feel like you’ve been screwed by “THE MAN?” Think the real estate crash is over-blown? Just want things to get back to NORMAL
Opinion Poll Shows Economic Depression
Destin, FL - July 20, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- An over-whelming majority of Americans feel the U.S. economy is in an economic depression, according to a new opinion poll. Despite government and mass media reports indicating that the U.S. has pulled out of an economic recession, the online survey found that most Americans don’t believe that is the case as unemployment remains at 9.5% nationally and much higher in many areas of the countr
Save Money on Home Remodeling
Destin, Fl - July 14, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- In these challenging economic times, the real estate website that forecasts housing markets all over the U.S., Housing Predictor dot com is introducing a new section of its website to “Save Money on Home Remodeling.”
Americans Divided on Housing Tax Credit
Destin, FL - July 7, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Americans are deeply divided on whether states should offer a tax credit to help the housing market recover, according to a new Housing Predictor opinion poll. The new survey found that slightly more than half of all respondents feel that states should offer a $10,000 state tax credit to home buyers to make a purchase like California is doing to help overcome the downturn in its markets.
Poll Shows Lower Mortgage Rates Would Help Housing
Destin, FL - June 22, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- A huge majority of those surveyed in the latest Housing Predictor opinion poll say that lower mortgage rates would help the housing market. The 30-year fixed rate mortgage has been at or near its record low for months, while the Federal Reserve keeps its rate near 0 in efforts to re-energize the real estate market.
Five States Lead U.S. into Housing Recovery
Destin, FL - June 15, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Five states are leading the U.S. out of the housing downturn, and into a recovery. Some may surprise you. By any historical gauge California is the odds on favorite to pull the nation out of the downturn, but the others are composed of places that either didn’t suffer as much during the financial crisis or didn’t see their home prices shoot up like a rocket
Low Consumer Confidence in Housing Market
Destin, FL - June 7, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Consumer confidence in the housing market remains incredibly low, according to a new opinion poll conducted by Housing Predictor. The study shows little improvement in the way people think and feel about markets nearly three years after the housing market crashed
Fewer Homes in Default Trigger Improvement
Destin, FL - June 2, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Despite being the worst deflationary downturn since the Great Depression, housing markets are showing improvement as the number of homes in default drops, according to new report on Housing Predictor.
Survey Shows Majority Will Buy Real Estate Soon
Destin, FL - May 25, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Apparently feeling the bottom of the housing market may be getting closer, nearly 2 out of 3 people surveyed say they plan on buying a home or other real estate in the next two years, according to a new Housing Predictor survey
Worst Housing Market Forecasts Better
Destin, FL - May 19, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- The worst housing markets forecast by Housing Predictor in 2010 are projected to do better than what was first forecast at the beginning of the year, according to the latest update of the worst 25 markets.
Tax Credit Expiration to Damage Housing Market
Destin, FL - May 12, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- A large majority say the expiration of the federal home buyers tax credit is likely to damage the housing market, according to a new opinion poll by Housing Predictor.
Opinion Poll Shows No Bottom in Housing
Destin, FL - May 3, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Since perception is reality a bottom to the U.S. housing market may not develop for a long time. That’s the assessment from a new Housing Predictor opinion poll that found that more than two-thirds of all respondents surveyed do not believe the bottom of the market has arrived in their community.
Upside Down Homeowners May be Saved
Destin, FL - April 28, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- A new company started to align bankers interests with upside down homeowners at risk of losing their homes may save 5 to 7 million mortgage holders from losing their homes to foreclosure